Since the dawn of civilization, handmade has been more than creation - it has been the essence of human connection itself.
Our mission is to elevate these authentic crafts and their makers, using their transformative power to rebuild the bonds between people in our increasingly disconnected world.
Apply to Join Our Mission
We support Makers of handmade and handcrafted, authentic, high quality goods. Our focus is on quality and authenticity, not the price point of goods so anyone can apply. Our mission is to create tangible, visible and effective support to all participating Makers, Artisans and Master Craftspeople. Our platform is highly curated and we carefully select our participants. We have a strict focus on Handmade and Handcrafted Goods ONLY. We are based in the US but feature Makers from around the Globe. Do your best to fill out the form below and we will be in touch with you if you are selected!